Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science
Did you ever wonder if it is possible to eliminate chronic conditions and enjoy peace of mind without drugs? Build your immunity without vaccines or antibiotics? Have unbound energy without coffee? Indeed, we can choose freedom from fear, suffering and degeneration by taking responsibility of our life. Ancient wisdom helps us see beyond the limitations of reductionist science. In turn, modern science helps us measure the effectiveness of ancient practices. The old masters tell us that inner strength, cheerfulness, and selfless service are the basic principles of life. If the pursuit of happiness is the goal of life, yoga shows us how to get there by gaining freedom from all fears, and by becoming aware of the reality within. We bring together effective yoga techniques to manifest our human potential and enrich our lives.
Your Free Yoga Education
We provide free multimedia educational resources, including articles, resources and videos to guide and enhance your yoga experience. As an option, we also provide premium resources, including books and DVDs, for students interested to explore yoga further. What can you expect?
- It’s not (just) about asana.
- It’s not (just) about pranayama.
- It’s not (just) about meditation.
Today, it is always a bigger picture. The world changed dramatically in the last 200 years and our lifestyle departed more and more from nature. This lifestyle change puts tremendous pressure on our immune systems to keep us in balance. It highlights the importance of mastering control to avoid excesses: anything in excess changes its quality and may become an obstacle. Excesses create dependencies and automatic behaviors, a major source of bondage, suffering and degeneration. You need to understand all the facets of yoga to maintain balance, and we cover here the gamut … for free.
About Us
Daniela Simina is a Yoga Alliance E-RYT 500 certified instructor, with international background in yoga, energy therapy, fitness and martial arts. After a serious neck injury, top surgeons insisted on neck surgery to avoid paralysis. Instead, Daniela relied on yoga and natural remedies to heal herself. Since then, she uses her background of anatomy, physiology and therapeutic yoga, to help her students heal themselves. Daniela is the author of Anychair Yoga, book and DVD, and Yoga Fundamentals DVD.
Marin Simina started yoga in 1976, inspired and intrigued by Jacques Mayol‘s historic free dive to 100m (330ft). Jacques Mayol relied on yogic breathing to prepare himself for the dive. This lead to a life-long quest for exploring and developing the human potential. Marin is the producer of Yoga Fundamentals and Anychair Yoga DVDs. Marin holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences from Georgia Tech.
Daniel, our son, is our inspiration. Daniel was severely affected by childhood vaccinations and was diagnosed with autism spectrum at 23 months of age. Soon, we realized the severe limitations of conventional medicine, for which Daniel was only a statistic. We relied heavily on yoga and natural healing principles to design his recovery plan. Piano, swimming, yoga and nutrition contributed tremendously to his recovery. Today Daniel competes in swimming and wrestling.