The pathological range is used to diagnose disease; the functional range is used to assess risk for disease, before disease develops. The references that are provided with laboratory test results are referred to as the “the pathological range”, because if the test results are out of range, it usually indicates potential for pathology or disease.
Conventional medical training is concerned with the diagnosis of disease and rarely preventative medicine; therefore, patients are usually not consulted regarding the parameters of the functional range. If biomarkers can be managed before they fall within the pathological range, prevention can be practiced. Here is a reference article from Life Extension: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventive Blood Testing. If blood tests are out of functional range, you can use Dr. Mark Hyman’s guidance to Give Yourself a Biologic Tune-Up (PDF).
Test | Functional Range |
Glucose | 85 – 100 mg/dL |
Uric Acid | Male: 3.7 – 6.0 mg/dL Female: 3.2 – 5.5 mg/dL |
BUN | 13 – 18 mg/dL |
Creatinine | 0.7 – 1.1 mg/dL |
Sodium | 135 – 140 mmol/L |
Potassium | 4.0 – 4.5 mmol/L |
Chloride | 100 – 106 mmol/L |
CarbonDioxide | 25 -30 mmol/L |
Anion Gap | 7 – 12 mmol/L |
Calcium | 9.2 – 10.1 mg/dL |
Phosphorus | 3.5 – 4.0 mg/dL |
Magnesium | 2.0 – 2.5 mg/dL |
Total Protein | 6.9 – 7.4 G/dL |
Albumin | 4.0 – 5.0 G/dL |
Globulin | 2.4 – 2.8 G/dL |
A/G Ratio | 1.5 – 2.0 Units |
Total Bilrubin | 0.2 – 1.2 mg/dL |
Alk. Phosphatase | 70 – 90 U/L |
LDH | 140 – 180 U/L |
AST (SGOT) | 10 – 26 U/L |
ALT (SGPT) | 10 – 26 U/L |
GGTP | 10 – 26 U/L |
Serum Iron | 85 – 130 mcg/dL |
Cholesterol | 150 – 200 mg/dL |
Triglycerides | 75 – 100 mg/dL |
HDL Cholesterol | More than 55 mg/dL |
LDL Cholesterol | Less than 120mg/dl |
Chol/HDLRatio | Less than 3.1 |
TSH | 1.3 – 3.0 ulU/ml |
T3, Free | 2.3 – 4.2 pg/ml |
T4, Free | .61 – 1.76 ng/dl |
T3 Uptake | 28 -38 mg/dL |
FTI | 6 – 11 Index Units |
WBC | 5.0 – 8.0 |
RBC | Female: 3.9 – 4.4 Male: 4.2 – 4.9 |
Hemoglobin | Female: 13.5 – 14.5 Male: 14 – 15 |
Hematocrit | Female: 37 – 44 Male: 40 – 48 |
MCV | 85 – 92 cu microns |
MCH | 27 – 32 cu microns |
MCHC | 32 – 35% |
RDW | Less than 13 |
Platelets | 150,000 – 450,000 |
Neutrophils | 40 – 60% |
Lymphocytes | 25 – 40% |
Monocytes | Less than 7% |
Eosinophils | Less than 3% |
Basophils | 0 – 1% |
Online Symptom-Based Tests
Dr. Mark Hyman’s The UltraMind Solution Companion Guide (PDF) is a symptom-based set of quizzes for neurotransmitters, fatty acids, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, inflammation, thyroid and adrenal function, gut health, and more. It is offered as a free supplement to his bestseller The UltraMind Solution. Check als o his Give Yourself a Biologic Tune-Up (PDF).