I can’t help but thinking, how my life could have been following that neck injury; the injury that nearly left me paralyzed. What if I would have really lost function in my left arm, as the initial prognosis stated? What if I’d had that surgery, recommended as “the only viable option, although high risk”? And what if, following surgery, the worse case scenario came to pass? I could have been quadriplegic, or – at best, I could function with some limitations.
If somebody would have told me back then, what a great gift, and what an amazing opportunity my injury was, I would have called them nuts, and swore not to talk to them ever again.
Yet I’m alive and well, practicing yoga and enjoying all those postures that are supposedly, counter indicated: headstands and drop backbends, in particular. I go horseback riding, and more recently, I even took up contemporary ballet. And no, have not had surgery.
“Wait a minute,“ you may say, “Weren’t you just about to get paralyzed?”
True. Only, while on this journey, ideas and inspiration came to me from the most unexpected sources, and in most unusual forms. But, don’t let me get ahead of myself.
On Trauma
Yoga, acupuncture, chiropractor, herbal supplements and specific nutrition, they all paved the road. Each, among these components, made its own contribution to heal damaged nerve tissues, and realign shifted cervical vertebrae.
Once every three or four months, I’d wake up in terrible pain, and with spasms in my left arm. It felt like being thrown back to square one. Those moments were terrifying: what if I’d become incapacitated, unable to work, and unable to care for our toddler, who had his own challenges to face?
On one of those mornings, I rushed into the chiropractor’s office, hopeful that the adjustment would bring some relief. Then, with more of the acupuncturist’s help, I’d have the flare-up back under control. It had become a default type of intervention, and it had always worked. But to my surprise, by the end of the day, the improvement was only marginal. I spent the night propped up on pillows with a rigid collar around my neck, to prevent it from moving and compromise the tiny improvement. For the first time in a couple of years, the interventions I placed my bet on, were failing. Fear tightened it’s grip on me.
Next morning, I loosened up the tense muscles with a long shower and stretched carefully, before wearing the brace again. I took lobelia tincture for pain management and to control spasms.
I went to work, with my mind in turmoil: all the natural and holistic stuff, all yoga techniques that I put my faith into, were not enough to solve my problem. And I couldn’t fathom anything else.
I pulled into the parking lot. The discomfort was mounting, and so was my frustration. I heaved, to pull the lever on my thoughts going haywire. My critical thought processes came to a halt, so sharp that I could here the breaks screeching.
There and then, I declared myself open to any kind of guidance from the universe, to any path that would open, no matter how different from my own and from my logical, analytical, critical thinking ways. I vowed that, if I’d find a solution, I would then use it not only for myself, but also for my son, and for everyone who would ever reach out for help.
Another dropper-full of lobelia tincture made my shudder. The strong and unpleasant taste took my mind off everything else, if only for the moment.
Finding Inspiration
As I walked into the yoga studio, the girl at the front desk informed me that the client just cancelled her appointment.
It felt like a bad joke: driving twenty-five miles, in pain, for nothing. I breathed deeply, in an attempt to make my upset slip away. There was enough pain to deal with: why add anything more?
Out of nowhere, my friend Sara, popped next to me, and enthusiastically started to share about her training in energy healing. It piqued my interest, and when she mentioned she needed volunteers, I pointed to the stiff collar around my neck.
“I’m your first subject,” I said. Sara smiled, and motioned me into an empty room.
I sat on the floor, propped up on bolsters. Sarah moved around me waving her hands. No touch. I wasn’t sure whether the strange sensations I was experiencing were due to lobelia, or to whatever she was doing.
Suddenly, my shoulders relaxed and dropped softly. Flashbacks, and childhood memories. A silky swirl around my cervical spine, then running down my left arm. Lightness. No more pain.
“Done!” Sarah clapped her hands. “Got to run now; my class is about to start. Talk to you later.” After she left, I was reluctant to even open my eyes, afraid that the pain would return with the diminishing of the relaxed state.
I got up slowly. Wiggled my fingers. Walked around. Still, no pain. I returned to the lobby to wait for Sarah. I couldn’t but wander: was that the missing piece in the puzzle that I was so desperate to solve? Was that the answer to the plea I had just made an hour before, standing in the parking lot?
As it turned out, the puzzle piece I was looking for, was in fact, much larger. It took about ten years of studying and practicing different modalities of energy healing. There were also a number of trips back to a distant past, to my childhood and the time I spend with my grandmother and my aunt. Many things that I had previously regarded as foolish, nonsensical, or superstitious appeared, all of a sudden, in a different light.
I dedicated myself to the study of Shamanism, of more complex approaches to meditation and relaxation, of Nature-based spiritual healing modalities, Pranic Healing, Reiki, and crystal healing.
During this process, I came to understand that no method alone is perfect; therefore, integrated approaches are best suited in addressing complex problems.
I developed my own integrated approach, through weaving together what I had learned. However, I soon realized that combinations that worked great when applied to myself, did not work equally well on other people.
Back to the drawing board, and after another couple of years of experimenting, practicing, and learning all along- Bioenergetic Healing crystalized, as a cohesive approach to energy work.
Ever since, what once helped me, my family, countless friends and yoga students, has become available for everyone to learn.
The Power of Energy Healing
Q: How is Bioenergetic Healing different from other energy healing modalities?
A: Bioenergetic healing does not use “one size fits all” prescriptions or protocols, nor does it match one single, “standard” technique to a problem, indiscriminately. We believe, that although a manifesting symptom may look the same in several people, the energetic causations are different. For example, headache could result from job–related stress in one person, while in someone else, headaches could be the related to hormonal fluctuations, dietary excess, physical or emotional trauma, etc.
Bioenergetic healing practitioners track down the origination point of the discomfort, identify the nature of the energetic imbalance in the physical, emotional and mental spheres, and then proceed to address it.
While we do not claim to provide any substitute for medical care or medical advice, we do provide the energetic support to maximize efficiency of conventional treatments, and minimize side effects.
Bioenergetic healing does not constrain trainees to rigidly adhere to rules; throughout the different stages of training, students are encouraged to think creatively, listen to their intuition, and follow their own inclination as to what and how to apply the knowledge acquired. Once provided with the know-how, students are encouraged to piece together techniques from different traditions. They are to create their own ways of solving problems, where the guidelines received through training are just guidelines, never to become dogma.
Q: What is actually Bioenergetic Healing, and how does it work?
A: We use the term bioenergy in reference to subtle energies within the human body: those are the energies that maintain the integrity and functionality of cells, tissues, organs, and that of the human being as a whole.
The word bioenergy is a substitute for life force, known as prana in yogic terminology
Bioenergetic healing is a modality of correcting energetic imbalances that may occur within the body. Such imbalances oftentimes result in physical and psychological discomfort or disease.
Bioenergetic healing, like communication, is a process of entrainment. Entrainment is the ability of one or more systems to lock into phase and share information, which in turn affects the way they organize and their behavior.
Due to their energetic makeup, human bodies are moving systems, and so is the mind. In specific circumstances the energy/prana within one of these systems can influence another and help it change in the desired direction.
Using various techniques that work on the principle of entrainment, the bioenergetic healing practitioner facilitates the restoration of the energetic balance, and with it, the achievement of higher levels of health and wellbeing.
Q: Who needs bioenergetic healing?
A: There’s no exaggeration in stating that everyone could benefit from bioenergetic healing.
Athletes of all ages and levels of fitness can benefit from bioenergetic healing. Bioenergetic healing can assist athletes in both preventive ways, before injury happens, or as recovery means when injury has already occurred.
High intensity and prolonged training take a toll, oftentimes leaving the body in a depleted state. Depletion at any level makes a person susceptible to injury. Bioenergetic healing techniques can speed up the body’s ability to recover from fatigue, and optimize levels of performance. While bioenergetic intervention is not a substitute for proper rest and high quality nutrition, it is a valuable addition to any athlete’s lifestyle.
Whether dedicated yoga practitioners, dancers, swimmers, runners – athletes of all kinds know that at times injury just a happens. In such unfortunate instances Bioenergetic Healing speeds up dramatically the healing process, allowing the athletes to resume training in record time.
People subject to high stress levels, whether related to jobs, study, or personal life, do benefit from Bioenergetic Healing in multiple ways. Stress is insidious; the effect of stress exposure are cumulative, and over time, it leads to stress-related diseases, such as heart problems, gastric ulcer, hypertension, various types of cancers – just to name a few.
Bioenergetic Healing techniques help the individual recover in the aftermath of stressful event by correcting energetic imbalances that could become root-cause for diseases. Furthermore, patients learn self-care techniques to assist them in handling stressful people and situations, successfully.
Q: What are the risks involved in receiving Bioenergetic Healing?
A: When speaking of therapeutic modalities, energetic or otherwise, “risk free” and “highly efficient” are two descriptors rarely found together within the same sentence. Yet, Bioenergetic Healing is just this: a risk free, yet highly efficient modality to ease discomfort, re-establish balance, and through its countless applications, manifest specific outcomes.
Regardless of the age, or the health status of the recipient, there are no undesirable side effects consequentially to bioenergetic intervention.
Q: Does the Bioenergetic Healing practitioner incur any risks?
A: Throughout the four levels of training, students are taught how to ground themselves, and maintain energetic neutrality. By doing this, practitioners don’t deplete themselves energetically during a session. They also learn how to disconnect from the patient they work with, and keep the workspace clean energetically, to prevent transferring “dirty” or “diseased” energy to themselves or someone else. These techniques are reviewed and reinforced from one level to the next, in such way that upon course completion, all practitioners master the ability to protect themselves against both, depletion and energetic contamination.
Powerful and safe, Bioenergetic Healing is offered as a 4 part course, building up from basic to advance levels. You can develop your intuition and creativity, sense and channel energy, learn to access information from deep levels of the unconscious mind, create energetic protection, manifest outcomes- just to name a few. Interested? Find out details at https://siminayoga.com/courses/
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and practice.After a really bad accident, 2 surgeries and endless physiotherapy sessions bringing no relief, I came to you as my last hope to end my suffering.I feel so much relaxed and better and am sure that with patience and belief,I am treading on the right path.Thanks for being my yoga Guru and healer.
Shruti, it is your commitment and personal practice, your decision to take the matter in your own hands paying off . I’m here to support your healing process with the best of my knowledge and level of ability. Thank you so much for your trust and words of appreciation!
This is an inspiring story. I hope other people who encounter injuries would find the positivity to continue the great journey ahead of them.
Thank you! I truly hope that more people will tap into their own potential, and use bioenergetic healing to enhance the quality of their lives, and make their dreams come true.